
Free Sofia Tour's Blog

October 13, 2010

Happy 2 months!

Free Sofia Tour is only 2 months old and already walking and talking… every day for 2 hours after 18:00. What a smart kid! Happy Birthday to us 🙂
September 30, 2010

See early Christian tombs from Serdica

Two early Christian tombs Two early Christian tombs from the ancient Roman city of Serdica (nowadays Sofia) would be displayed in the yard of the National Museum of History. The National Museum of History is not part of the tour yet but if you have the chance, it’s a must-see together with the Boyana Church which is located nearby. Read more: Bulgarian History Museum Reveals Early Christian Tombs
September 19, 2010

Best in Sofia may be yet to come

SOFIA – The architectural heart of ancient Serdica, the Roman Empire-era predecessor of Bulgaria’s capital of Sofia, is emerging amid excavations for the construction of the city metro system. In a couple of years, the finds will become part of an underground museum where visitors will be able to walk in the footsteps of Constantine the Great (272-337 AD), the first Roman emperor to legalise Christianity and adopt it himself. Read more: http://euobserver.com/?aid=30625  
September 17, 2010

Happy Day of Sofia

Saints Faith, Hope, and Charity with their mother Sophia Happy Day of Sofia! 😉 The Orthodox Church tells the tragic story of a second-century Roman mother Sophia who sacrificed herself and her 3 children in the name of Jesus Christ. Her daughters were Faith (Vyara), Hope (Nadezhda) and Love (Lyubov). These frail females stood up to the brutal might of Rome at time when a mere whisper of dissent could mean death to a Roman citizen, Christian or pagan.