
Free Sofia Tour's Blog

March 30, 2020

Rakia – Bulgaria’s Most Popular Traditional Alcoholic Drink

If you have just arrived in Bulgaria and are still curious to taste the vast variety of authentic Bulgarian meals and drinks, undoubtedly the most traditional and emblematic alcoholic beverage to start your night with is the local rakia. There has hardly been a single guest of Sofia to remain neutral after the first sip. Both locals and internationals either fall in love with rakia or cannot stand the strong taste and smell of the spirits. A common Bulgarian joke – and for some elderly people even a fundamental belief – states that 30-40 ml rakia a day have a preventive effect against different viruses, including the coronavirus. While we cannot guarantee that we believe that giving it a try is essential to your trip to Bulgaria. Rakia – How is it made and what on Earth is it? Largely compared to a fruit brandy, rakia is produced out of large quantities of smashed fruits in a barrel. Then, sugar and water are added. It takes a few weeks for […]