
Free Sofia Tour's Blog

November 10, 2015

National Museum of Natural History

Sofia offers so much to see! Sometimes one Free Sofia Tour is not enough to explore it all… In such cases, should a tourist return, they may be astonished what they have missed. One example is the Museum of Natural History, which lies in the heart of the city. Free Sofia Tour’s itinerary takes you right by it, but you won’t know of its existence until you see the skeleton of a gigantic prehistoric animal hiding in the eave next to the entrance. The National Museum of Natural History is very popular with Bulgarians of all ages, especially students. Unfortunately, it is not as popular as we would wish with foreigners. Which is curious, given the fact that it is the oldest and richest of all natural history museums on the Balkan Peninsula, having a fascinating story of its own. The museum was founded by the notorious Bulgarian tsar Ferdinand Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. For those of you who have not heard of him yet, he had quite the passion for birds, botany […]
September 26, 2011

Museum of Communism

3 decades after the fall of Communism in Bulgaria, Sofia finally has 2 communist museums. Everybody kept saying how Bulgaria was the only country in Eastern Europe without a museum for these 45 years in its history. Without a Museum of Communism. Even in the National Museum of History there’s a weird emptiness between 1944 and 1989. Well, finally we can see the red star that used to be part of our tour for around 8 months properly displayed next to imposing statues of Lenin and Georgi Dimitrov. You can also learn how regular Bulgarians lived during this rather contreversial period of Bulgarian history. Museum of Communism – The Red Flat – Everyday Life in Socialist Bulgaria As of April 2019, Sofia has its first Museum of Everyday Life in Socialist Bulgaria – The Red Flat. Contrary to other museums dedicated to the Cold War, The Red Flat is all about how ordinary Bulgarians experienced this period. The concept is unique as you basically enter the flat of a regular […]
September 1, 2011

Boyana Church & National Museum of History

Two of the must-sees in Sofia that are not part of Free Sofia Tour because they are in the suburbs of the city – Boyana Church and the National Museum of History The only UNESCO World Heritage Site in Sofia and one of the largest history museums on the Balkans. The Boyana Church and the National Museum of History. Together with some hiking in the mountains they make a perfect half-day or day trip outside of the city center. If you get to one of the places, the other is 15 minutes walking distance. But how to get to Boyana Church and the National Museum of History? By BUS (here’s a good map of the public buses in Sofia): National Museum of History Last stop of trolleybus 2 and the museum is just across the ring road. You can get the trolleybus at the Sofia University. Also, you can use bus 63 from bul. Tsar Boris III and bul. Akad. Ivan Evstatiev Geshov. Boyana Church First, you have to take bus 9TM from the National Palace […]