11 May – Happy Sts. Cyril and Methodius day
May 11, 2011Night of the Museums and Galleries
May 13, 2011The visitors are pleasantly surprised from Sofia!
A lot of people come with zero expectations to Sofia. These people are usually pleasantly surprised.
However, there’s still a group of people that come with the negative attitude. They expecting the city to be very dirty, ugly and dangerous. Now these are the really surprised people.
Very often guests tell us after the tour that during their stay in Sofia their perspective has been turned upside-down. They like how green, beautiful and orderly our city is. And everything bad gets labelled “exotic”. Of course, it’s always different when you live in a city for years and that’s also why it’s so interesting to see Sofia through our guests’ eyes.
If you want to know what else foreigners think of Sofia, read “A Green and Clean City in a Foreigner’s Eye” by Iva Toncheva of Bulgarian News Agency (BTA).