7 Best Bulgarian Souvenirs
August 7, 2020Sofia Game Night with Sofia Treasure Hunt
October 12, 2020Yesterday was our special day! It was on that day that Free Sofia Tour was born 10 years ago! On the 13th of August 2010 our very first tour was joined by only 1 person. Since then we have walked around Sofia’s main landmarks thousands of times and have welcomed guests from every corner of the globe excited to explore what Bulgaria’s capital has to offer. When our initiative started Sofia was a city that was rarely visited and was largely out of most people’s travelling lists. Over the past 10 years we saw that changing and we hope that our tours played a small part in the process of opening up the city to foreign visitors and spreading the word about its rich history, beautiful landmarks and incredible potential. Happy 10th Birthday!
Free Sofia Tour and the 365 Association
Free Sofia Tour was the beginning of the 365 Association. Over the past 10 years our incredible team took part in the development of numerous initiatives, projects, exhibitions and cultural activities such as Free Plovdiv Tour, The Red Flat, Sofia Communist Tour, Sofia Culture Tour, Sofia Jewish Tour, Sofia Alternative Tour, Plovdiv Arts & Crafts District Tour, Plovdiv Graffiti Tour, Free Sofia School, Sofia Theatre in English, Gifted Sofia and more. We are now more than ever determined to continue our drive in helping make Sofia as friendly and appealing to foreign visitors as possible.
10th Birthday Tour
As you all know the coronavirus crisis has affected international travel and tourism. However, we still managed to celebrate our anniversary the way we always have – by guiding a free walking tour around Sofia’s main landmarks.
The Birthday Party
Initially, we were planning on having a really large gathering inviting all our partners and friends. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic we decided to have a small outdoor celebration with members of the team – past and present.
We would like to thank all those who have helped us along the way, our wonderful team, all our partners and friends and most importanly, all our guests. Happy 10th birthday!
To many more!
Безплатните пешеходни обиколки на София (Free Sofia Tour) празнуват своя 10-ти рожден ден!
Вчера беше нашият ден! На този ден, преди точно 10 години се роди Free Sofia Tour! На нашата първа обиколка, проведена на 13-ти август 2010г, се включи един единствен човек.
От тогава до сега успяхме да разходим из софийските забележителности хиляди гости от всички краища на земното кълбо. Когато стартирахме нашия проект, София беше град, рядко посещаван от чуждестранни туристи. През тези 10 години наблюдавахме как това се променя и се надяваме, че нашите обиколки са допринесли поне малко в процеса на отваряне на нашия град към света и представянето му като интересно и многообразно място с огромен потенциал.
Free Sofia Tour и Сдружение 365
Free Sofia Tour (безплатната пешеходна обиколка на София) сложи началото на Сдружение 365. През изминалите 10 години нашият прекрасен екип успя да създаде и развие многобройни инициативи, проекти, изложби и културни и туристически събития като Free Plovdiv Tour, The Red Flat, Sofia Communist Tour, Sofia Culture Tour, Sofia Jewish Tour, Sofia Alternative Tour, Plovdiv Arts & Crafts District Tour, Plovdiv Graffiti Tour, Free Sofia School, Sofia Theatre in English, Gifted Sofiaa и др. Сега, повече от всякога, сме мотивирани да продължим да работим за това София да бъде все по-привлекателна за всички чуждестранни гости.
Бихме искали да изкажем нашата дълбока благодарност към всички, които ни помагаха през тези 10 години, нашия прекрасен екип, всички наши партньори и приятели и разбира се, всички наши гости. Честит рожден ден!
За много години!