Феминистка разходка в София – Нейната история
March 4, 2015New Tours in Sofia – Culture & Communist Tour
April 17, 2015Translating from Bulgarian to English is usually really easy and there are no problems in understanding the meaning.
But when you have to translate something figuratively, this is when it gets really funny. Today we have prepared for you some tissues, because you will laugh to tears at the end of this blogpost. This time we will introduce you to the most famous Bulgarian phrases we use in our everyday life, which probably have no meaning and can hardly be translated into English, but on the other hand are quite stunning for foreigners. If you happen to learn some of them you will easily amaze all your Bulgarian friends.
Bulgarian Phrases trasnlated figuratively:
- Как я караш? – How do you drive her?
Meaning “How are you doing?” - Всичко е ток и жица! – Everything is electricity and cable!
Meaning that everything is OK, or even better than that (usually follows “How do you drive her?”) - Мани, мани! – Remove, remove!
This is used when something is wrong and you don’t like to talk about it or there is nothing left to say - Боли ме фара – My lighthouse hurts
Meaning that one doesn’t care. - Работа му е майката – Work is its mother
Meaning that working is the base for success - Карай да върви! – Drive to go!
This is used when something unforeseen has happened; one understands everything perfectly, but can’t do anything to improve the situation - Внимавай в картинката! – Pay attention to the picture!
This phrase is more of a warning. If someone tells you this, you have to be really careful what you do or say. - Само не ми се прави! – Just don’t make yourself to me!
Meaning: “Don’t play so cool, in front of me” - На баба ти хвърчилото – Your grandmother’s kite.
This phrase expresses high level of doubt. Meaning that something will never happen just like grandmothers don’t usually play with kites. - Лягам си, че две не виждам – I am going to bed because I can’t see two
Meaning that one is dying for sleep and can’t even keep their eyes open - От мен да мине – From me to pass
Meaning that this time one is making an exception by letting somebody go - Къде се губиш? – Where are you losing yourself?
Meaning: “What have you been doing lately?” - Тъп като ръб – Dumb like an edge
This one is used to call someone dumb as a rock - Иди ми, дойди ми! – Go from me, come to me!
Meaning that someone is acting as a little princess or is very wayward - Завъртя ми ума – She/he turned my mind around
Meaning that one is crazily and stupidly in love with someone, thinking only about her/him - Да си вдигаме чуковете /чукалата/ – Let’s pick our hammers
Да вдигаме гълъбите – Let’s pick up the pigeons
Meaning that it is time to go - Я камилата, я камиларя – Either the camel, or the camel rider
This one means that either one thing or another is going to happen - Уйде коня у реката – Went the horse into the river
This means that something unexpected occurred and one can’t help it - Голям праз! – Big leek!
Meaning that nothing that serious has happened
Have a nice day and don’t forget that: “Laughter is the best medicine.”
Sources: inews.bg, blog.bg
If you want to learn how to pronounce these and become more familiar with Bulgarian customs and traditions, do not hesitate to join our Culture tour.
The article breaks sinks directly!
Nice! These are the very colloquial proverbs of the present day.
Maybe only the camel-phrase has also the meaning “we don’t know what will happen in the future, a potential mistake will be forgotten”.
Я камилЪтъ, я камиларя – означва, може да стане ама може и да не стане…но и в двата случая, за казващия резултата не е положителен
“Я камилата, я камиларя” изобщо не е българска фраза, а е цяла арабска притча, да я наречем. И значението е, че всичко може да се случи, така че да не се тревожим предварително.
Но едно и от мен: His old mother
source: http://www.translate.google.bg
There is missing one very common phrase! Like “Да Да” или “Да Да ей сега” translation is “Yes Yes_ or “Yes Yes Just now” but meaning is “After indefinite time or never I do the work!”
Може да се добави и единствената българска дума, която трудно може да се преведе на чужд език. “ТАКОВА”
Пропуснали сте най-важното, което да направи информацията полезна за чужденците. Латинска транскрипция на българските фрази.
Иначе файда от “If someone tells you this…”, при положение, че не знаят как звучи написаното и изговорено от българин.
На баба ти дундаманалото!
Бабината ти трънкина!
А стига бе!
Айде пак отиде работата на изуй гащи! Че и на хакерне!
Трябва да е точно едно към гьотере, а не едно към кесим!
Ти истропат сандалете – Clattered your sandals – Meaning “You will die”
Рипа ти гъзо – Your ass is jumping – Meaning ” You don`t have to worry about nothing.
Едно от любимите ми
Селски номера – Village numbers
to have = да има
“кърти мивки” meaning “sink-breakingly good” or just “super cool” 🙂
“сгази лука” – ran over the onion / got into trouble by having done sth wrong
“като в небрано лозе” – as in an unpicked vineyard / feeling awkward, not knowing what to do
One of my favorite: “Fuck your numbers” (Ш’ти еба и номерата) meaning “I really cannot stand anymore your tricks”
Добро Утро!- Good Morning!
Ти откри топлата вода! : You discovered the hot water!
Meaning “Did you just realized that ?
Няма смисъл да има превод на английски по начина по който сте го направили. Фразите са непреводими и да се пише на английски в случая както е направено, е тъпо.
“Мани, мани“ в никакъв случай не е и не може да бъде “Remove, remove!”. Да не говориме за „Как я караш“ – „How do you drive her?“ пълен абсурд.
Биляна преведи това:
eat shits
SHIT в английския език е неброимо съществително, можещо да означава както лайнО, така и лайнА. S-ът ти в края на думата е напълно излишен и показва твоята собствена неграмотност.
ето ги и хората без чувство за хумор …
If this is not exactly correct please help me out, but I love it – като дупето и гащи – very close friends.
Hat on a stick-шапка на тояга!
Hungry bear dont play boogie-гладна мечка хоро не играе!
Get up,get up Balkan superman-стани,стани юнак балкански!
Отиде на кинo – went to the cinema.
Went missing, disappeared, got broken, destroyed, forget about it, something bad happened to it.
I like your sense of humour. It’s quite positive and adequate to Bulgarian real life. When I think of somthing funny I will share it whith you.
You missed at least 2 of my favoites 😉
Бабината ти трънкина! – Your grandmader’s bushes!
Те ти булка спасов ден. – Here you are bride – the day of Spass.
Or in french : Voila madame, le jour de Spasse!
Here are two phrases that are quite funny when translated literally in English, can you guess them in Bulgarian?
– Don’t give God
– Went the horse into the river
– One God knows
– Да не дава Господ.
– Уийде коня у ряката.
– Един Господ знае.
Ще ти тегля една майна!
как са забравили ‘you to see’ ти да видиш!?
“Мани, мани” не е “Remove, remove”, a e “Wave, wave”, защото идва от “махни” като за махнеш с ръка и да забравиш за случилото се.