September 10, 2014LorenzoStella_68
September 12, 2014All of the tour guides are very good but if you get the chance do go on Dima’s tour! I have been coming to Sofia for a number of years, but had never been on a tour. Silly me! TAKE PART!! You will get to see many of the major attractions and sights that are within a short walking distance of the Courthouse. Even if you already know some Bulgarian history you are bound to learn some new things, and if you can answer a guide’s question then you’ll get a Tutti Frutti sweeti as a reward. (Question Hint: Don’t be late for your tour, they’re a prompt lot these Bulgarians.) Dima was very knowledgeable, took good care of the group, and made sure everyone was just fine both during and at the end of the tour. Lot’s of energy made for a fun time!