
Free Sofia Tour's Blog

August 9, 2016

6 Facts we love about Spain

Free Sofia Tour turns 6 years this week! To celebrate this, we made a list the 10 countries we’ve had most visitors from. So far we’ve presented to you our #10, Israel, #9, Netherlands, #8, Italy, #7, Australia and #6,France. Today, we will tell you 6 interesting facts about Spain, which comes 5th by number of guests with 5563 visitors so far. Fact about Spain №1: The country is proud of having the world’s oldest functioning lighthouse, built by the Romans in the 1st or 2nd century and today called The Tower of Hercules. Fact about Spain №2: Spanish is the second most widely spoken language in the world, after Chinese. Fact about Spain №3: The ancient Roman Aqueduct of Segovia was built in the 1st century A.D. and still supplies water to the city. Fact about Spain №4: Vasco Núñez de Balboa was the first European to have seen or reached the Pacific Ocean. Fact №5: A 2002 survey of around 100 well-known authors from 54 countries voted for the most meaningful book of all time, […]
August 8, 2016

6 Facts we love about France

Free Sofia Tour turnes 6 this week As you may have learned, Free Sofia Tour turns 6 years next week! To celebrate this, we made a list the 10 countries we’ve had most visitors from. So far we’ve presented to you our #10, Israel, #9, Netherlands, #8, Italy, #7, Australia. Today, we will tell you 6 interesting facts about France, which comes 6th by number of guests with 4633 visitors so far.   Fact about France №1: There is not a single stop sign in Paris. The last stop sign in Paris disappeared in 2015.   Fact №2: Speaking of visitors, France is the most visited country on Earth (and has held this position for a while). In 2015, France was visited by 84.4 million tourists.   Fact №3: License plate that today we all have on our legally registered vehicles, was first introduced by France.   Fact №4: Napoleon’s army discovered the Rosetta Stone. Making possible the desiphering of the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs.   Fact №5: The oldest bridge in Paris […]
August 7, 2016

6 Facts we love about Australia

Did you hear the news? Free Sofia Tour turns 6 years next week! To celebrate this, we made a list the 10 countries we’ve had most visitors from. Yesterday we presented to you our #8, Italy. Today, we will tell you 6 interesting facts about Australia, which comes 7th by number of guests with 4592 guest. Fact about Australia №1: The biggest piece of private property in the country is larger than Belgium.   Fact about Australia №2: The selfie is an Australian invention. Fact about Australia №3: The largest-ever victory in an international football (soccer) game was when the national team of the country beat the American Samoa 31-0 in 2001.   Fact №4: It was the second country in the world to give women voting rights. This happened in 1902. Fact №5: Well over 80% of mammals, reptiles and amphibians found in the country/continent, are unique. These include the kangaroo, the emu, the koala, the platypus and the echidna.   Fact №6: The country has about 10,000 beaches, which means you […]
August 6, 2016

6 Facts we love about Italy

Free Sofia Tour turns 6 years next week! To celebrate this, we made a list of the 10 countries we’ve had most visitors from. Yesterday we presented to you our #9, Netherlands. Today, we will tell you 6 interesting facts we like about Italy, which comes 8th by number of guests with 3611 guest. Fact about Italy №1: There are two independent states within the country: the Republic of San Marino and the Vatican City.   Fact about Italy №2: Galileo’s middle finger is on display at the Florence History of Science Museum.   Fact about Italy №3: The country has 51 UNESCO World Heritage sites. This is more than any other country in the world. Those include the Archeological areas of Pompei, Herculaneum and Torre Annunziata; the City of Verona; Costiera Amalfitana; the historic center of Florence, Rome and many more.   Fact about Italy №4: The oldest European university in continuous operation is the University of Bologna. It was founded in 1088.   Fact  №5:  Italian Traffic Police has two Lamborghini Gallardo in […]
August 5, 2016

6 Facts we love about Netherlands

As you may have learned, Free Sofia Tour turns 6 years next week! To celebrate this, we made a list the 10 countries we’ve had most visitors from. Yesterday we presented to you our #10, Israel. Today, we will tell you 6 interesting facts about The Netherlands, which comes 9th by number of guests with 3083 visitors so far. Fact about The Netherlands №1: The Dutch national flag dates back to the year 1572 making it the oldest tricolor in the world. Fact about The Netherlands №2: New York City was first called New Amsterdam and was founded as a Dutch colony. Fact about The Netherlands №3: The audio tape, the video tape and the CD were all invented by the Dutch company Philips. Fact №4: According to the study, tracking the heights of different people through time, currently the tallest men on Earth live in the Netherlands, towering at an average of 184 sm (6 ft). Fact №5: The Dutch national anthem, Het Wilhelmus, was written between 1568 and 1572, […]
August 4, 2016

6 Facts we love about Israel

Very often on our tours people ask us which are the countries we’ve had the most visitors from. Of course, we’ve had guests from all over the world, but we do keep track of where each one of them is coming from. Since Free Sofia Tour is turning 6 in 10 days… We decided to check which are the 10 countries we’ve had most visitors from and share with you 6 interesting facts we love about each one of these countries in a series of blog posts. So, according to our latest statistics, number 10 is Israel with 2625 guests. And here are 6 interesting facts we love about the country! Fact about Israel №1: The country has the highest ratio per capita of college degrees.   Fact about Israel №2: Israel, the UK and New Zeland are the only three democracies in the world without a codified constitution. Fact about Israel №3: The country has the biggest number of museums per capita in the world. Fact №4: It is home […]
July 20, 2016

Зелените трамваи търсят своя дом

Ти и зелените ретро-трамваи Виждали ли сте ретро-трамваите, които понякога обикалят по софийските улици? А искали ли сте да се возите на тях? Има как! Безплатно! Зелените трамваи търсят своя дом Сдружение „Градски транспорт и инфраструктура“ и Сдружение 365 организират на 23 юли 2016 г. от 10.30 ч първо тематично пътуване с исторически трамвай по проект „Зелените трамваи търсят своя дом“, който се изпълнява с финансовата подкрепа на Столична община по Програма Европа 2016. Снимка: Иво Радоев Пътуването е посветено на парковете на София и връзката им с трамвайния транспорт. За целта състав от историческа трамвайна мотриса МАН-Сименс от 1935 г. с ремарке Кардалев от 1928 г. ще направи обиколка на София, като свърже голяма част от градските паркове и градини. Маршрутът на трамвая за първото тематично пътуване ще бъде: трамвайно депо Банишора – Връбница – Западен парк – пл. Журналист – Руски паметник – Княжево – бул. Константин Величков. Трамваят ще измине маршрута за около 2 часа и 30 мин., като екскурзовод на Сдружение 365 ще разказва за историята на […]
June 16, 2016

Ден на бащата 2016

Ден на бащата 2016 Спомняте ли си националната кампания “Да бъдеш баща” на mencare.bg, която направи невероятно видео? Това е национална кампания за по-активно включване на бащите в живота на децата. Бащата и майката са партньори в грижите за детето, затова е важно и двамата родители да участват активно в живота на децата. Тази година ни предстои “Ден на бащата 2016”. Photo: http://mencare.bg/tatko-venelin/ През 2014 и 2015 година нашето Сдружение 365 взе участие в “Седмицата на бащата” с една страхотна инициатива. “Тур за деца и бащи” Тази година специално за “Ден на бащата 2016” сме подготвили същата изненада. И така: Кога? На 19ти юни (неделя) от 10:00 часа. Къде? Пред Съдебната палата в град София Как? Като запишете вас и вашето дете предварително на groups@365association.org. Местата са ограничени. Първите 15 записали се ще получат потвърждение 🙂 Кой? Поканени са всички бащи и деца. Турът ще се проведе на български език. Ще бъде с продължителност около час и половина и е подходящ за деца от 7 до 14 годишна възраст.
May 26, 2016

Saint Petka of the Saddlers Church

The church of Saint Petka of the Saddlers (Sveta Petka Samardzhiyska) is a medieval Bulgarian Ortodox church, located in the center of Sofia near Sveta Nedelya cathedral. It is a small single nave building featuring a semi-cylindrical vault and a hemispherical apse, all positioned above a Roman crypt discovered during World War II. The church is dedicated to the martyr St. Paraskevi of Iconium (rendered in Bulgarian as sveta Petka/Paraskeva Ikoniyska). The story says that Paraskeva was a woman living in Iconium, Asia Minor (present day Konya, Turkey), at the end of the 2nd and the beginning of the 3rd century. She was introduced to Christianity by her parents. They died when she was very young and as they were very wealthy she inherited a huge fortune. Instead of spending the fortune on luxury and pleasures, she helped people in need by providing food for the starving, shelter for the homeless and clothes for those who could not afford them. She was so devoted to Christianity that she decided to remain […]