
Local News & Events

Some highlights from Sofia & Bulgaria – events, news and important dates.

November 10, 2012

Лица от началото 1989/1990

Сайтът „Изгубената България” отново прави опит за един по-балансиран и мълчалив поглед върху близкото минало, този път чрез фотографиите на Огнян Христов. Вярно е, че е изминало твърде малко време от началото на „промените” или „прехода”, както свикнахме да ги наричаме, и „десети ноември”, който се превърна бързо в новия „девети септември” не само по съзвучие. Казват, че сто години са малко за трезв поглед назад, но и цял век, измерен в човешки живот е почти невъзможна формула… Фотограф Огнян Христов 10 – 25 ноември 2012 г. Галерия на открито – Градинката пред Кристал Помним ли лицата от преди две десетилетия? Лицата от началото, може би смели в избора си да се покажат открито, може би обединени от броя си, но със сигурност заедно в надеждата си. Лица, някои от тях добре познати, други отдавна забравени, нашите лица. Те всички гледат в бъдещето, където сега сме ние. Нека им върнем един поглед оттук, от нашето настояще. Лентите, от които са подбрани тези кадри, дълги години събират прах в дома на […]
November 6, 2012

“San Francisco Visual Cut” Exhibition

Through the streets, to the walls and in the air…everywhere you go you feel the smell… the cars are bigger and the people are living in Victorian houses build on steep hills.  It is sunny, but it’s cold! It’s the place that you wanna spend the rest of your life because people are friendly, standard of living is high and you feel that you are on the top of the world where all the modern technology is revealed! The difference between Sofia and San Francisco is as big as the miles you have to travel and reach from one side of the world to the other. Maybe that is the beauty of it! Maybe that is something that will be interesting to see in one exhibition, where you will feel a small visual cut of the city of San Francisco that will reveal the art, the habits and the spirit of this city. Seen from the perspective of a foreigner living in Sofia who has spent 4 summers in San Francisco. Filip […]
September 26, 2012

SofiaDance Week’s 5th edition coming up soon

Bulgaria’s capital and its inhabitants will have the opportunity to enjoy SofiaDance Week (Sept. 29th – Oct. 6th) for the 5th year in a row. The contemporary dance festival will feature many international guests as always. You will have the chance to see the newest and most interesting trends in the contemporary dance scene presented to you by artists from 3 different continents – Europe, Asia and America. The forum’s “headquarters” will be at the National Palace of Culture where the various performances will be held. The festival features two new special modules – a workshop for the youngest fans of dance and a SofiaDance Week Cinema; those will take place at 4 other locations in the city. The amazing opening of the festival took place on Sept. 23rd where everyone could enjoy a Guateque – contemporary dance performed in the air. The artists from “Delrevés” performed this vertical dance on the National Palace of Culture’s eastern façade. What to expect next? You will have the chance to, for example, […]
September 26, 2012

Our Presence at “Career in Bulgaria: Why Not?”

The biggest career forum for Bulgarians with international experience – “Career in Bulgaria: Why not?” – was held on 13th September in Sofia for the fifth consecutive year. The forum is organized by “Tuk-Tam” (Here-There) – Association of Bulgarians with education or/and experience abroad,  and career website Back2BG, supported by the State Agency for Bulgarians Abroad. The annual forum “Career in Bulgaria: Why not?” It brings together Bulgarians who studied and/or worked abroad with leading companies in Bulgaria, in order for the young professionals to learn more about the various career opportunities in Bulgaria and meet many other Bulgarians like them – with international educational or professional experience, looking for the best place for personal and career realization. This is not just a career forum, this is an event that has a strong social and public importance and over the years has proven that it can change lives. So far over 3,500 candidates have participated, more than 100 leading companies in Bulgaria are presented with information stands, corporate presentations, seminars, and more […]
September 7, 2012

Graffiti Art in Sofia

Many guests are surprised to see so many graffiti art in Sofia. That’s why we decided to tell you more about graffiti art and its traditions in Bulgaria. Generally, you can split the graffiti in Bulgaria into two categories – negative graffiti and positive graffiti. The negative graffiti are provoked by strong emotions – love or hate – and usually contain negative political, religious or racist connotations. One can also read various “poems” for the favourite or opposite football team 😉 The positive graffiti are artistic and in many cases supported by the Municipality. For several years now, various graffiti contests have taken place in Sofia. Young artists from whole Bulgaria can participate. The area in front of the National Palace of Culture (NDK) is a place, where graffiti art is very popular. Even the tram stop under NDK is called “NDK Graffiti”. That’s because of the numerous graffiti art around the tram stop. In July the contest “Urban Creatures” took place in one of Sofia’s central neighbourhoods. What’s coming up […]
September 7, 2012

The Possible History

This month Sofia City Art Gallery opens a new exhibition of Bulgarian Art Collection, dedicated to the 60th anniversary of Sofia City Art Gallery as an independent institution: September 12, 2012 – March 3, 2013 opening on September 12, Wednesday, 18:00 Under the patronage of Mrs. Yordanka Fandakova, Mayor of Sofia This project aims to present visually and theoretically Bulgarian art from the late 19th Century until today. Visually – through the artifacts owned by the Gallery. Theoretically – through a study that analyzes the artistic processes. The design of the study is set in six periods, each of which has five sub-themes. Well-known Bulgarian artists are invited to offer their analysis of the collection. The separate periods form the story, examined from a contemporary perspective. Each period and its sub-themes reflect the most important aspects of their time. The purpose is to clearly highlight the main trends and tendencies and therefore the exhibition and its catalog offer a strong educational element. The study is based on the collection of the […]
June 28, 2012

Free bus to Vitosha

There’s going to be a free bus to Vitosha Nature Park this summer as well! It will be running until 30th of September. Leaving to Zlatnite Mostove area every non-working day at 9 & 10 AM from the National Stadium in Sofia and coming back at 4, 5 & 6 PM.
June 27, 2012

Mineral waters and SPA in Sofia

Now you might have heard that there are 8 different types of mineral waters in Sofia coming out of nearly 50 different springs all over the city. This is the good news. The bad news is that only a couple of the 10+ bathhouses in the city are working and they are in terrible condition… Until they fix them, you can try the mineral water swimming pool near Pancharevo lake. Recently a book was published about all the mineral water sources in Sofia. Some of them have not been explored in the last twenty years but this is one of the most comprehensive researches done recently. Unfortunately it’s all in Bulgarian. Mineral waters of Sofia used to cure a number of illnesses as the abstracts below from the book “София – 120 години столица” show. The one in the city center near the Central Public Bathhouse is supposedly good for problems with the kidneys, stomach, liver, musculoskeletal system as well as neurological and gynecological problems. Let’s hope that the municipality will […]
June 12, 2012

International Animation Film Festival

This week Free Sofia Tour is a media partner of the International Animation Film Festival “Golden Kuker – Sofia”. From June 11 to 17 this year, over 300 films will be presented at the third edition of the Festival, on a total of 7 screens in Sofia. Competition and informational programmes as well as plenty of panoramas, can be seen at cinema “Lumiere”, at NATFA, evening screenings at Art Space (outdoor theater in the garden of NDK), PhotoSynthesis art center (cafe-gallery) and at art-club “Priests of the Muses” in Students’ Town. Special screenings of Polish, Hungarian and Czech animation. Around 130 films will compete for 11 prizes. 12 Bulgarian films will compete for the prize Best Bulgarian Film. A special award in the name of “Proiko Proykov” will be presented by Operational Programme “Environment 2007 – 2013” to the Best Eco Film. “Golden Kuker” this year has a focus on ecology and this will be expressed in various open discussions, masterclasses and workshops as well as competitions for students – “1-minute Animated […]